Step 3 – Designate Public Image Chair/Committee

It is very important to have a Public Image Chairperson for your club and it is highly recommended that your Chair be a sitting member of the club’s board. In most clubs, this person is responsible for all public communication including press releases, digital media, media relations and public signage. Your club will be much stronger over time after having a Public Image leader. This leader will communicate with the public about the benefits of Rotary in our community and will inspire other members to become involved in public image and the Rotary Brand experience.

Even if you have a public relations professional in your club that is willing to step up and tackle the task of promotions the chances are they cannot do it alone. The ideal Public Image Chair is the person that can gather resources and pass out assignments to the people who are knowledgeable in the areas of public relations, promotions, and the tools of the trade.

Your club chair might be a better manager than a writer, or photographer, or social media enthusiast. This is why a committee works so well. Someone in your club is using Facebook. Someone in your club enjoys photography and more than likely you have a writer in your midst.

Be sure to include at least one member with an in-depth knowledge of Rotary to help guide the committee.

Creating a public image team can be a fun process and provide great rewards. Did I mention attracting new members? Wouldn’t it be great to have more community support for the projects your club tackles?

Sometimes it really is who you know that can help your promotion. Survey your club members to find out who has media contacts, or relationships with professionals that can help your public image.

Take time at a future meeting to find out who has talents or connections in the following areas.


  • Website
  • Social Media / Facebook

Newspaper Editors/Reporters

  • Daily
  • Community


  • Company
  • Churches
  • Social Clubs or Organizations


  • Local Newsperson/Celebrity
  • Public Service Announcements


  • Local news
  • Featured programs

Rotary International provides tools to help define the role of Public Image Chair. Download the PDF here.