Step 7 – People of Action

Help launch our new global ad campaign, “People of Action”

While many people have heard of Rotary, few people actually understand what Rotary clubs do. In fact, 35 percent of the public is unfamiliar with any Rotary program, including their local club. That’s why Rotary has created a new global ad campaign called “People of Action.” The ads are available for download at, where you’ll also find guidelines on how to use and localize each element, making it easier for clubs in any part of the world to tell their story in a consistent, compelling way.

Work with local print media ad representatives to place these full-color ads in community magazines and newspapers.

Here’s what you need to know

Who are we trying to reach?

This campaign is for people who do not know about Rotary or why it’s relevant to them. We hope the campaign will appeal to potential members who want to make a difference in their communities, those interested in Rotary’s causes, and people looking to establish relationships with others in their communities.

Here’s how you can help:

  1. Go to Download the People of Action campaign assets
  2. Share the materials with club members. Particularly advertising professionals who can help place ads locally
  3. Collaborate with your district leaders. Work with your district public image coordinator for additional guidance
  4. Use Social Media. Share campaign videos and graphics on your Facebook and Twitter accounts
  5. Tell us your success stories. Email Rotary’s marketing team with success stories and questions.

What materials are available?

At, you’ll find videos, social media graphics, and advertisements for print and digital. Campaign guidelines are also provided to help districts and clubs localize the assets.

Who are the people/projects featured in the campaign?

The first ads in the campaign feature real Rotarians in Colorado and Brazil, and the stories shown were inspired by actual projects. More stories from Rotarians will be featured in upcoming ads.

Can clubs or districts modify campaign materials with pictures of their own projects?

Yes. Guidelines are provided at to help districts and clubs localize the campaign with photos of their own communities.

Is there guidance for taking photos for the ads?

Yes. has a checklist and information on how to capture photos that focus on connections and community.

Inspire your community in any language by posting one of these social media graphics along with an update about the work your club is doing locally. On Facebook, you can boost posts by ZIP code for less than $100 and substantially increase the number of people you reach.

What are some ways we can place the campaign locally?

Campaign placement tips are on There are also other ways to use the materials – consider adding campaign graphics to club and district websites, posting them on social media, and displaying the ads at events.

What kind of support will be provided to members who don’t know how to buy ads or secure donated space?

RI provides guidelines on how to develop media plans, buy ads, and secure donated ad space at In addition, the RI marketing communications team will host a series of webinars to help club and district leaders with media planning.

How does the campaign work with the existing Rotary brand positioning of “Join Leaders,” “Share Ideas,” and “Take Action”?

The People of Action campaign brings the Rotary brand to life by highlighting what happens when community leaders within Rotary join together, share their vision, exchange ideas about solutions, and then take action to make it a reality.

Who do I contact with questions about this campaign?

Please send all questions regarding the People of Action campaign to